How Much Are Lighting Rentals?

How Much Are Lighting Rentals?

Light. We can’t see without it. It started with fires in the cavemen days, allowing us to see at night (and also to cook our mammoth meat). Can you imagine the times where we didn’t have access to light. Things just got dark and you went to bed until the Sun came back up in the morning.

Things are so much better now. Not only do we have light everywhere, allowing us to stay up to all hours of the night, we also have access to very specific lights: everything from projector lights to spotlights to strings of lights to moving lights that create all kinds of amazing moods and effects.

Perhaps no one understands the value of good lights better than the DJ. Obviously the sound is tremendously important, but it’s not the whole show. Any DJ worth their weight knows if you’re making sure the lighting at the event you’re playing is up to par with the sounds, then you’re not fully doing your job! So when an experienced DJ is searching for information on DJ equipment rentals, they’re definitely including in their search information about lighting rentals.

At Astro Audio Video and Lighting in Los Angeles, we know that better than anyone. We’ve been in the DJ equipment business since the 1970s and our expert employees know this stuff like the backs of their hands. We offer excellent prices on all DJ equipment rental and invite you to come visit us or contact us at 818-549-9915 to learn more.

But let us get to the question at hand: just how much are lighting rentals?

Let us answer your question with a question: what are you looking for? You see, lights are not one size fits all.

For example, we have for rental various lengths of lights strings. These strings of lights are gorgeous and create a really beautiful mood when you set them up. They’re great for creating a warm, romantic vibe at a wedding. They’re probably going to get lost in the action if you try to string them up for a small gig at an underground club. So consider the gig first.

Then consider the venue. How much lighting will you need? Our Astro AVL 50' Market Lights String can be rented for fifty dollars for a day or 150 dollars for a week. Will that be enough to cover your venue? Our Astro AVL 100' Market Lights String can be rented for 100 dollars a day or 300 for a week. Maybe that will cover you better.

So think about the venue, and think about the desired vibe, and then think about the length of time you’ll need your lighting rentals.

Factor in all these things and then come and talk to us about getting you set up with the right lights for the job!